25 November 2009

Turkey Time

Like an ominous and looming cloud, just like the ones in today's central Ohio sky, I knew this day was coming but it wasn't until noon-time that I realized today was the day. Last year, on the day before Thanksgiving, I had my first chemo session. Wow! I can't believe it has been one year.

During the fourth week of November, Americans typically like discuss thankfulness. In regards to chemo, there isn't much to be thankful. The experience sucks - there is really no other way to describe it. But if I had to say what I am thankful for in regards to chemo, I do have a few thoughts.

I am relieved that despite feeling nauseous at times, I never vomited. My wig wasn't horrible, and many people just assumed I had a slightly bad haircut (and some even complimented me on my new style). And I must recognize the the chemo nurses who made each chemo treatment session bearable, and sometimes, even slightly entertaining.

But in regards to true thankfulness, I am most thankful for my awesome husband, who I'm sure had his moments of frustration or anger, but never let me see them. I could not have survived those 5-months of chemo (or any of the many cancer-related surgeries, doctor's visits, psychological meltdowns, etc... throughout the entire cancer ordeal) without him and his unrelenting and unwavering support. Thank you. I love you.

As I not-so-fondly remember the chemo experience, I can smile and say, also thankfully, that the best part is now -- being finished, and have been finished for over six months. The port was removed last month. No more toxic chemicals flowing through my veins. Phew!

P.S. I can't forget to thank Betsy, who encouraged me to take way more naps than I probably needed. And Daisy, whose squeaks and antics will always make me laugh.

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