21 January 2010

Chemo Flashback

What is the number one signal to the world that someone is undergoing chemotherapy? Hair loss, right? Well, did you ever stop to think that chemo patients lose more than just the hair on top of their head? Think about... Chemo patients lose all types of body hair from all areas of the body. Leg hair loss... great! Arm hair loss... not so great, but not a big deal. Nose hair loss... didn't think of that one, did you?

One of the worst aspects of chemo is losing nose hair. Definitely not a worrisome concern. The nurses don't even mention nose hair loss to you when they go over the potential side effects with you. But all of sudden your nose has no control of the snot in your head. The experience is horrid. A runny nose takes on a whole new meaning.

So today, my sinuses decided to act up. Not sure why, just something in the air. But my nose will not stop running. The snot goes from 0 to 60 in no time flat. I guess not all of my nose hairs grew back.

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