25 November 2008

Tomorrow, will there be any sun?

Tomorrow for me will not be the day that lil' orphan Annie sang about. I don't see the sun coming out for me (figuratively and literally). Tomorrow chemo begins. I have no idea what to expect which is very scary for me. I like to plan. I like to anticipate. I can't even buy food at the grocery store because I don't know what I will feel like eating. I can hope that this process will be easy, but no one can predict how my body will react to the chemo drugs.

Today the port was installed in my shoulder area. The site is very sore but I have some decent pain meds. The procedure was fairly simple. We arrived at the hospital this morning at 6am, and was home before 11:30am (and this includes a slight detour to the pharmacy at the grocery store).

The port is only a slight bump. I don't know how long it will remain inside me. The surgeon who put it in would like ports to remain for 2 years as a precaution (AKA just in case I need more chemo). The oncologist will tell me it can be removed in 5 months. I don't know if it will need to be removed when I have my reconstructive surgery but that is months away so I am not going to worry about the removal process at this time.

The site of the port is slightly swollen (possibly due to my juicy fluids -- Jonathan, I thought of you when the swollen site was pointed out to me). The most exciting part for me was being told that I could take a shower later today. Thank goodness for the little things.


Jonathan Kelley said...

Hey Juicy, just wanted to let you know that Don & I are thinking of you and sending you our best wishes. This part might suck, but there will be sunnier days ahead, and soon! SMOOCHES!

weeklytrash said...

Thinking of you jules. I had to go through security today (for jury duty) and I thought of Radioactive Woman! You're a super hero. :) Love you!

Unknown said...

I wish I was there with you eating popsicles while chatting about stupid shit like they did on Sex and the City. I'm thinking of you too, boo. The sun may not come out today, but it will come out again soon. LOVE YOU!!!!