07 April 2009

As Annie Once Famously Said...

Tomorrow...well, you know the rest of the song, and I don't want to get accused of copyright infringement.

So tomorrow is my last day of chemo. I can't believe this day has finally almost arrived. It is amazing how fast and slow 5 months can go by. As the end draws near, I am beginning to wonder if I'll miss my weekly visits to the cancer clinic. The nurses have been so nice to me and at no other time do I get to enjoy daytime television shows. Then again, I doubt that I'll ever feel nostalgic for this particular time in my life.

Time for me to calm down. I'm not done yet. And it is going to take me a while to get back to my old self. Tomorrow is only the first of many baby steps towards my official recovery.

1 comment:

Lisa said...
