09 April 2009

My Last Session

My last session of chemo was relatively uneventful. My blood work was acceptable. The premeds made me dopey. For those of you are sensitive to benadryl, I do not recommend receiving it intravenously; even holding a simple conversation, for example, about my favorite Chipotle burrito, became difficult.

I did have two special treats for my last session. For one, Brandon came with me, so we got to sit in one of the private rooms, rather than in "chemo alley" (what I call the hallway of recliners where most patients sit). He even arranged to bring muffins and cupcakes for the staff and patients, as a thank you for being so wonderful during this horrible experience.

My favorite part of chemo was the nurses and the ladies at the reception desk. Each one was so nice. I will miss seeing them every week (although I'll probably get over that pretty quickly). I will also probably miss the routine. Doing the same thing every week for 12 weeks, and then a similar process for the prior 2 months, is kind of habit-forming.

And the for the other treat, the nurses brought me a good-bye rose. The gesture was so sweet. The note said, "Congratulations on finishing chemo!!" If I hadn't been so doped up on benedryl, I would have probably teared up a bit. Even though I'll be back in the office for visits with the doctor, my relationship with the nurses will be different, and I will miss them.

I definitely won't miss the scary, toxic fluids being pumped into my body.

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