08 December 2008

A tummy tuck is included

Sooo excited... I went for my 3 month post surgery doctor's appointment this morning. Even all these months later, I still really like my surgeon and her team. I'd love to go for afterwork drinks with these people. They just seem like really nice, fun, caring people. The first thing my doctor wanted to do was see wedding photos but sadly the hospital bans Facebook from their computers (what's up with that!?!?), so I promised the doctor that I would email her the link to our photos when the photographer let's us know that the photos are ready.

But the reason why I am soooo excited... my surgeon arranged for me to get an appointment with one of the few doctors in the country who does the diep flap reconstruction surgery. The diep flap surgery uses only stomach fat, no muscle, to build a breast. This means that if I am fertile after all of my chemo treatment (50/50 odds), I will also be physically able to have a baby. The more mainstream reconstructive surgical procedure, called the tram flap, uses stomach muscle & fat, but destroys any future hopes of pregnancy for me. The tram flap is fine for post-menopausal women or women who don't plan to have children, but not for me who hopes to one day be pregnant.


And my scar is healing nicely.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Great news! Glad you have a little silver lining.