11 December 2008

Yam Biscuits

In an earlier post, "In a nutshell" dated 11/28/08, I mentioned enjoying yam biscuits. In a comment to that post, Nanette queried about the yam biscuits. To answer her question, the recipe came from a cookbook on how to eat healthy during chemo, Eating Well Through Cancer by Holly Clegg & Gerald Miletello, MD. My first chemo treatment was the day before Thanksgiving. So on Thanksgiving, I wasn't much in the mood for the traditional Thanksgiving meal (a meal which I adore so I'm going to need to find a time soon to eat the whole turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, etc...) This cookbook did have a recipe for Yam Biscuits (p. 48). Brandon made me these biscuits, with a slight variation (he suggests checking Rose Levy Bernbaum's, the baking bible goddess, recipe). I love sweet potatoes (except for the marshmallow dish that for some reason shows up on so many holiday tables), so my Thanksgiving dinner was yam biscuits, served with chicken noodle soup.

Book citations:

Beranbaum, Rose Levy. The Bread Bible. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2003. p. 136-138.

Clegg, Holly and Gerald Miletello, M.D. Eating Well Through Cancer: Easy Recipes & Recommendations During & After Treatment. Nashville, TN: Favorite Recipes Pess, 2006. p. 48

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aha! Now I know. Those biscuits do sound pretty tasty.